Thursday, 25 February 2016


Student Achievements
Prizes won at Intercollegiate Competitions
1.      Our Students along with the Students from BCA and have won the overall trophy in four colleges, namely:
Ø  INFOCYNO-2015 Hindu College
Ø  BRAIN BYTE-2015 GSS Jain College
Ø  RIVALIT’15 Soka Ikeda College
Ø  LACORSA’15 Nazreth College.

2.      Preethi.R and Priyadharshini.K of  III BSC.,(Comp.Sci) have won the 2ND prize in QUIZ competition held at WOMEN CHRISTIAN COLLEGE, Chennai.
3.      M.Divya Lakshmi and C.Hemavathy of I B.SC.,(Comp.Sci)  have  won the 2nd   prize in  POSTER DESIGNING competition held at WOMEN CHIRSTIAN  COLLEGE, Chennai.
4.      Vani.R , Srima. M, kalaiarasi.L,Poornima.S,Priyanka Mayurbai Joshiand Totapalli kala Soundarya  of II B.SC.,(Comp.Sci)   have  won the 1st  prize in ADZAP competition held at G.S.S. JAIN COLLEGE, Chennai.
5.      M.Divya Lakshmi and C.Hemavathy of I B.SC.,(Comp.Sci)  have  won the 1st  prize in  POSTER DESIGNING competition held at G.S.S. JAIN COLLEGE, Chennai.
6.      Vani.R , Srima. M, kalaiarasi.L,Poornima.S,Priyanka Mayurbai Joshiand Totapalli kala Soundarya  of II B.SC.,(Comp.Sci)   have  won the 1st  prize in ADZAP competition held at ANNA ADARSH COLLEGE, Chennai.
7.      M.Divya Lakshmi and C.Hemavathy of I B.SC.,(Comp.Sci)  have  won the 2nd   prize in  POSTER DESIGNING competition held at ANNA ADARSH COLLEGE, Chennai.
8.      Vasanthi.R and  Priyadharshini.K of  III BSC.,(Comp.Sci) have won the 3rd prize in LOGO DESIGNING competition held at  ANNA ADARSH COLLEGE, Chennai.
9.      M.Latha Mageshwari and J.Jenifer  of III B.S.C.,(Comp.Sci)  won 1st prize in  CROSSWORD PUZZLE   Competition  held at HINDU COLLEGE, Chennai.
10.  P.Varsha and K.Priyadharshini of III B.S.C.,(Comp.Sci)  have won 1st prize in E-WAST competition held at  HINDU COLLEGE, Chennai.
11.  Irfana Sulthana and  Janai  of  II BSC.,(Comp.Sci) have won the 3rd prize in CROSSWORD PUZZLE   competition held at SOKA IKEDA COLLEGE, Chennai.
12.  Preethi.R and Priyadharshini.K of  III BSC.,(Comp.Sci) have won the 1st prize in PPT competition held at SOKA IKEDA COLLEGE, Chennai.
13.  Shobana.V,Ramya.R and Subashini.S K of  III BSC.,(Comp.Sci) have won the 1st prize in QUIZE competition held at SOKA IKEDA COLLEGE, Chennai.

14.  V.M.Mary Suganya of of  III BSC.,(Comp.Sci) won the 1st prize in DEBUGGING competition held at NAZERTH  COLLEGE, Chennai.

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